There are a number of ways you can get in touch with us. You can send us a message (just click the button), but if you’d rather visit, call or connect on social media please scroll down the page for more details.
Messages sent via the contact form will be responded to (where appropriate) as soon as possible.

We’re currently operating a hybrid model of meetings, where we hold two Sunday night Zoom meetings each month with social meets on the other weekends. Visitors are welcome at either our face-to-face social meetings or our online Zoom meetings. Details of upcoming meetings are in our Club Diary. If you’re planning to visit us at one of our face-to-face events we would recommend you message us first to confirm details.

As we are a volunteer organisation our phones are not always manned, so you are quite likely to be talking to our answerphone. Messages left on the answerphone will be returned as soon as possible.
You can call us on +44 (0) 7878 302815.