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Santa visits Turnberry

Turnberry: Saturday 14 December 5:30pm

We start and end on the One Man & His Dog carpark:

  • Left onto Turnberry Road
  • Loop around Sunningdale Way & Formby Way
  • Left to Turnberry Road
  • Loop around Gleneagles Road
  • Left to Turnberry Road
  • Loop Alnwick Road and Ganton Road
  • Return to carpark

We will stay on the carpark for around an hour at the start of the route to allow people who are not on our sleigh route to pop along and see Santa – so from 4:30 to 5:30pm.


On the Night ...

On the night we are planning to start at 5:30pm and expect to be travelling for a couple of hours, with a further hour or so on the carpark; the journey time varies according to the weather and number of people wanting to see Santa.

We welcome children chatting to Santa and having pictures and video taken, but please make sure to follow the guidance of our marshals and helpers. Santa will stop as often as possible where it is safe to do so, so please wait for him to stop before approaching. Children are not allowed onto the sleigh, but can stand in front of it to speak to Santa and for pictures.

If there are any last minute changes we will post these on our Facebook page. Also you can use our Santa Tracker to see where we are in real time on the night, so you don’t need to stand outside for too long. Please note we do not knock doors on the route, and we try not to be too loud, so tracking us is the best way to know where we are.

Letters from Santa ...

happy child girl writing letter santa home near the Christmas tree

You can request a free letter from Santa. These can either be emailed to you, or if you prefer you can request a printed copy to be collected on the night.

Please note that if printed letters are requested and subsequently not collected we cannot normally deliver them, so receiving letters as email attachments is generally safer and more secure.

You can request a letter from Santa here.

Our Charities ...

There is no charge to see or speak with Santa, or to take your pictures.

We do though, as usual, welcome donations as we tour. The monies donated will be split equally between Acorns Hospice, Walsall (Goscote) Hospice, St. Giles Hospice, and the Rotary Foundation. Thank you for your support.

Other Routes ...

Our other routes are listed here.